Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Weather

"My sister was born pre-mature and very fragile, she received all the attention growing up.
I was the 'weird one' that stayed in my room all day reading books.
I did what I was told to avoid conflict.
My mother sometimes calls me but I have nothing to say to her.
I once told her everything I felt and she cried for 2 hours.
Now we just talk about the weather."


"What's your tattoo of?"
"It says 'Devotion'. It doesn't mean anything"
"Come on it must mean something?"
"I quit school for a year to travel and when I came back I was a new person with a new perspective. I decided I was going to finish everything I ever started. When you stick with something long enough you discover things that could never even enter your imagination had you just quit"

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

1st Post - Emotional Spike - No picture

Inside a book store:

"How much for this poster?"
"That one? That one is ummmm, usually 15 euro but I'll sell it to you for 10"
"Do none of the posters have prices on them?"
"No, and neither do any of the books"
"Is that even legal? I thought everything had to have a price on it"
"HA! Don't make me laugh"

After about 2 minutes of poking around I approached him again:

"Can I please take your picture?"
"You want to take my picture? Why?"
"Because you have an interesting look"
"No you can't take my picture"
"Because I do not trust you"
"Is it me in particular or do you not trust people in general to take your picture?"
"It depends on the person, I don't want to offend you but there's something about you I don't trust"

That really wind knocked out of me. I left feeling gross shrouded in self-doubt about every random persons portrait I'd ever taken.